Interface | Description |
Cache |
Cache for objects
EntityManager |
The main application interface to the persistence context.
EntityManagerFactory |
Factory for getting an entity manager.
EntityTransaction |
Transaction context.
Parameter<T> |
Query parameter types.
PersistenceUnitUtil |
Utilities related to persistence
PersistenceUtil |
Utilities related to persistence
Query |
The main application interface to the persistence context.
Tuple |
Represents a tuple result.
TupleElement<X> |
And element returned from a query result tuple.
TypedQuery<X> |
Represents a typed SQL query.
Class | Description |
Persistence |
Bootstrap class to obtain an EntityManagerFactory.
Enum | Description |
AccessType |
The @AccessType annotation specifies the field vs property.
CacheRetrieveMode |
The @CacheRetrieveMode specifies caching behavior
CacheStoreMode |
The @CacheStoreMode specifies caching behavior
CascadeType |
The CascadeType enumeration
DiscriminatorType |
The DiscriminatorType enumeration
EnumType |
The EnumType enumeration
FetchType |
The @FetchType annotation.
FlushModeType |
The type of the flush modes.
GenerationType |
The GenerationType enumeration
InheritanceType |
The InheritanceType enumeration
LockModeType |
The type of the lock modes.
PersistenceContextType |
The type of the persistence context.
PessimisticLockScope |
The type of the persistence context.
SharedCacheMode |
The SharedCacheMode enumeration
TemporalType |
The type of the lock modes.
ValidationMode |
The ValidationMode enumeration
Exception | Description |
EntityExistsException |
Thrown by the persistence provider when
EntityManager.persist(Object) is called
and the entity already exists.
EntityNotFoundException |
Thrown by the persistence provider when an entity reference
obtained by EntityManager.getReference(Class, Object) is accessed
but the entity does not exist.
LockTimeoutException |
Thrown by the persistence provider when
a pessimistic locking conflict occurs, without forcing a rollback.
NonUniqueResultException |
Thrown by the persistence provider when getSingleResult() is
executed on a query and there is more than one result from the
NoResultException |
Thrown by the persistence provider when getSingleResult() is
executed on a query and there is no result to return.
OptimisticLockException |
Thrown by the persistence provider when an
optimistic locking conflict occurs.
PersistenceException |
Thrown by the persistence provider when a problem occurs.
PessimisticLockException |
Thrown by the persistence provider when an
pessimistic locking conflict occurs.
QueryTimeoutException |
Thrown by the persistence provider when a query times out.
RollbackException |
Thrown by the persistence provider when a
transaction is required but is not active.
TransactionRequiredException |
Annotation Type | Description |
Access |
The Id annotation.
AssociationOverride |
The @AssociationOverride annotation.
AssociationOverrides |
The @AssociationOverrides annotation.
AttributeOverride |
The @AttributeOverride annotation.
AttributeOverrides |
The @AttributeOverrides annotation.
Basic |
The @Basic annotation.
Cacheable |
The @Cacheable annotation.
CollectionTable |
The @CollectionTable is used for collections of basic types
Column |
The @Column annotation.
ColumnResult |
The @ColumnResult annotation.
DiscriminatorColumn |
The @DiscriminatorColumn annotation.
DiscriminatorValue |
The @DiscriminatorValue annotation.
ElementCollection |
The @ElementCollection defines a collection of instances of a basic type.
Embeddable |
The @Embeddable annotation.
Embedded |
The @Embedded annotation marks a field as containing
and embeddable value.
EmbeddedId |
The @EmbeddedId annotation.
Entity |
The Entity annotation marks a class as a persistent entity.
EntityListeners |
The @EntityListeners annotation.
EntityResult |
The @EntityResult annotation.
Enumerated |
The @Enumerated annotation marks a property as an enumerated type.
ExcludeDefaultListeners |
The @ExcludeDefaultListeners annotation.
ExcludeSuperclassListeners |
The @ExcludeSuperclassListeners annotation.
FieldResult |
The @FieldResult annotation.
GeneratedValue |
The @GeneratedValue annotation.
Id |
The Id annotation.
IdClass |
The @IdClass annotation specifies the class to be used for the primary
Inheritance |
The @Inheritance annotation.
JoinColumn |
The @JoinColumn annotation.
JoinColumns |
The @Column annotation.
JoinTable |
The @Table annotation.
Lob |
The @Lob annotation marks a field as containing a large blob type.
ManyToMany |
The @ManyToMany annotation.
ManyToOne |
The @ManyToOne annotation.
MapKey |
The @MapKey annotation.
MapKeyClass |
The @MapKeyClass annotation.
MapKeyColumn |
The @MapKey annotation.
MapKeyEnumerated |
The @MapKey annotation.
MapKeyJoinColumn |
The @MapKeyJoinColumn annotation.
MapKeyJoinColumns |
The @MapKeyJoinColumn annotation.
MapKeyTemporal |
The @MapKey annotation.
MappedSuperclass |
The @MappedSuperclass annotation.
MapsId |
The @MapKey annotation.
NamedNativeQueries |
The @NamedNativeQuery annotation.
NamedNativeQuery |
The @NamedNativeQuery annotation.
NamedQueries |
The @NamedQuery annotation.
NamedQuery |
The @NamedQuery annotation.
OneToMany |
The @OneToMany annotation.
OneToOne |
The @ManyToOne annotation.
OrderBy |
The @OrderBy annotation.
OrderColumn |
The @OrderColumn annotation.
PersistenceContext |
The @PersistenceContext annotation.
PersistenceContexts |
The @PersistenceContexts annotation.
PersistenceProperty |
The @PersistenceProperty annotation.
PersistenceUnit |
The @PersistenceUnit annotation.
PersistenceUnits |
The @PersistenceUnits annotation.
PostLoad |
The @PostLoad annotation.
PostPersist |
The @PostPersist annotation.
PostRemove |
The @PostRemove annotation.
PostUpdate |
The @PostUpdate annotation.
PrePersist |
The @PrePersist annotation.
PreRemove |
The @PreRemove annotation.
PreUpdate |
The @PreUpdate annotation.
PrimaryKeyJoinColumn |
The @Column annotation.
PrimaryKeyJoinColumns |
The @Column annotation.
QueryHint |
The @QueryHint annotation.
SecondaryTable |
The @SecondaryTable annotation.
SecondaryTables |
The @SecondaryTable annotation.
SequenceGenerator |
The @SequenceGenerator annotation.
SqlResultSetMapping |
The @SqlResultSetMapping annotation.
SqlResultSetMappings |
The @SqlResultSetMappings annotation.
Table |
The @Table annotation.
TableGenerator |
The @TableGenerator annotation.
Temporal |
The @Temporal annotation.
Transient |
The @Transient annotation.
UniqueConstraint |
The @UniqueConstraint annotation.
Version |
The @Version annotation.