Class | Description |
AbstractBinaryExpr |
Common analysis for a PHP binary expression.
AbstractLongValuedExpr |
Represents a PHP expression.
AbstractMethodExpr |
Represents a PHP function expression.
AbstractUnaryExpr |
Represents a PHP boolean negation
AbstractVarExpr |
Represents an expression that is assignable
ArrayGetExpr |
Represents a PHP array reference expression.
ArrayIsSetExpr |
Represents a PHP array is set expression.
ArrayTailExpr |
Represents a PHP array[] reference expression.
ArrayUnsetExpr |
Represents a PHP array unset expression.
BinaryAddExpr |
Represents a PHP add expression.
BinaryAndExpr |
Represents a logical and expression.
BinaryAppendExpr |
Represents a PHP append ('.') expression.
BinaryAssignExpr |
Represents a PHP assignment expression.
BinaryAssignListEachExpr |
Represents a PHP list() = each() assignment expression.
BinaryAssignListExpr |
Represents a PHP list assignment expression.
BinaryAssignRefExpr |
Represents a PHP assignment expression.
BinaryBitAndExpr |
Represents a PHP bitwise and expression.
BinaryBitOrExpr |
Represents a PHP bitwise or expression.
BinaryBitXorExpr |
Represents a PHP bitwise xor expression.
BinaryCharAtExpr |
Represents the character at expression
BinaryCommaExpr |
A "($foo, $bar)" comma expression (evaluates all and returns first).
BinaryDivExpr |
Represents a PHP division expression.
BinaryEqExpr |
Represents a PHP equality testing expression.
BinaryEqualsExpr |
Represents a PHP equality testing expression.
BinaryGeqExpr |
Represents a PHP comparison expression.
BinaryGtExpr |
Represents a PHP comparison expression.
BinaryInstanceOfExpr |
Represents a PHP instanceof expression.
BinaryInstanceOfVarExpr |
Represents a PHP instanceof expression in which the right side is a variable
holding the string class name.
BinaryLeftShiftExpr |
Represents a PHP left shift expression.
BinaryLeqExpr |
Represents a PHP comparison expression.
BinaryLtExpr |
Represents a PHP comparison expression.
BinaryModExpr |
Represents a PHP mod expression.
BinaryMulExpr |
Represents a PHP multiplication expression.
BinaryNeqExpr |
Represents a PHP equality testing expression.
BinaryOrExpr |
Represents a logical or expression.
BinaryRightShiftExpr |
Represents a PHP right shift expression.
BinarySubExpr |
A "$b - $a" subtract expression.
BinaryXorExpr |
Represents a logical xor expression.
CallExpr |
A "foo(...)" function call.
CallVarExpr |
A "$foo(...)" function call.
ClassConstExpr |
Represents a PHP parent::FOO constant call expression.
ClassConstructExpr |
A Foo::__construct(...) method call expression.
ClassConstructorExpr |
Represents a PHP A::A consturctor call
ClassFieldExpr |
Represents a PHP class field reference A::$foo
ClassFieldVarExpr |
Represents a PHP static field reference.
ClassMethodExpr |
A Foo::bar(...) method call expression.
ClassMethodVarExpr |
Represents a PHP static method expression.
ClassVarConstExpr |
Represents a PHP parent::FOO constant call expression.
ClassVarFieldExpr |
Represents a variable class field reference $class::$b.
ClassVarFieldVarExpr |
Represents a variable class field reference $class::${"b"}.
ClassVarMethodExpr |
Represents a PHP static method expression ${class}:foo(...).
ClassVarMethodVarExpr |
Represents a PHP static method expression ${class}:${foo}(...).
ClassVarNameConstExpr |
Represents a PHP A::{$foo} constant call expression.
ClassVarNameVirtualConstExpr |
Represents a PHP parent::{$foo} constant call expression.
ClassVarVarConstExpr |
Represents a PHP $class::{$foo} constant call expression.
ClassVirtualConstExpr |
Represents a PHP parent::FOO constant call expression.
ClassVirtualFieldExpr |
Represents a PHP static field reference.
ClassVirtualFieldVarExpr |
Represents a PHP static field reference.
ClassVirtualMethodExpr |
Represents a PHP parent:: method call expression.
ClassVirtualMethodVarExpr |
Represents a "static:$foo(...)" method
ClosureExpr |
Represents a PHP closure expression.
ConditionalExpr |
Represents a conditional expression.
ConditionalShortExpr |
Represents a conditional expression.
ConstClassExpr |
Represents a PHP __CLASS__ expression for traits.
ConstDirExpr |
Represents a PHP __DIR__ constant expression.
ConstExpr |
Represents a PHP constant expression.
ConstFileExpr |
Represents a PHP __FILE__ constant expression.
DieExpr |
Represents the die expression
Expr |
Represents a PHP expression.
ExprFactory |
Factory for creating PHP expressions and statements
ExprHandle |
A handle to a top expression
FunArrayExpr |
Represents the array function
FunCloneExpr |
Represents a PHP clone
FunDieExpr |
Represents the die expression
FunEachExpr |
Represents a PHP each expression.
FunEmptyExpr |
Represents the empty() expression.
FunExitExpr |
Represents the exit expression
FunGetCalledClassExpr |
Represents returns the current called class.
FunGetClassExpr |
Represents returns the current class.
FunIncludeExpr |
Represents a PHP include statement
FunIncludeOnceExpr |
Represents a PHP include statement
FunIssetExpr |
Represents a PHP isset call
ImportExpr |
Represents a PHP import statement
ListHeadExpr |
Represents a list assignment expression.
LiteralBinaryStringExpr |
Represents a PHP string literal expression.
LiteralExpr |
Represents a literal expression.
LiteralLongExpr |
Represents a PHP long literal expression.
LiteralNullExpr |
Represents a PHP null expression.
LiteralStringExpr |
Represents a PHP string literal expression.
LiteralUnicodeExpr |
Represents a PHP string literal expression.
ObjectFieldExpr |
Represents a PHP field reference.
ObjectFieldVarExpr |
Represents a PHP field reference.
ObjectMethodExpr |
Represents a PHP function expression.
ObjectMethodVarExpr |
A "$foo->$bar(...)" method call
ObjectNewExpr |
Represents a PHP function expression of the form "new ClassName()".
ObjectNewStaticExpr |
Represents a PHP function expression of the form "new static()".
ObjectNewVarExpr |
Represents a PHP function expression of the form "new $a()".
ParamDefaultExpr |
Represents a PHP default expression.
ParamRequiredExpr |
Represents a PHP required expression.
ThisExpr |
Represents the 'this' expression.
ThisFieldExpr |
Represents a PHP field reference.
ThisFieldVarExpr |
Represents a PHP field reference.
ThisMethodExpr |
Represents a PHP method call expression from $this.
ThisMethodVarExpr |
Represents a PHP method call expression from $this.
ToArrayExpr |
Converts to an array
ToBinaryExpr |
Converts to an string
ToBooleanExpr |
Converts to a boolean
ToDoubleExpr |
Converts to a double
ToLongExpr |
Converts to a long
ToObjectExpr |
Converts to an object
ToStringExpr |
Converts to an string
ToUnicodeExpr |
Converts to an string
TraitParentClassConstExpr |
Represents a PHP parent::FOO constant call expression.
TraitParentClassMethodExpr |
A parent::bar(...) method call expression.
UnaryBitNotExpr |
Represents a PHP bitwise not expression.
UnaryCopyExpr |
Represents a PHP variable assignment
UnaryMinusExpr |
A "- $a" unary minus.
UnaryNotExpr |
Represents a PHP boolean negation
UnaryPlusExpr |
A "+ $a" unary plus.
UnaryPostIncrementExpr |
Represents a PHP post increment expression.
UnaryPreIncrementExpr |
Represents a PHP pre increment expression.
UnaryRefExpr |
Represents a PHP reference argument.
UnarySuppressErrorExpr |
Represents a PHP error suppression
UnaryUnsetExpr |
Represents unsetting a PHP variable
VarExpr |
Represents a PHP variable expression.
VarInfo |
Information about a variable's use in a function.
VarTempExpr |
Represents a temp PHP variable expression.
VarUnsetExpr |
Represents unsetting a PHP variable
VarVarExpr |
Represents a PHP variable expression.
Enum | Description |
ExprType |
Analyzed types of expressions
VarState |
Represents the state of a PHP variable.