Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static java.lang.String |
ClassesModule.get_called_class(Env env)
Returns the calling class name.
static java.lang.String |
VariableModule.get_resource_type(Env env,
Value v) |
static java.lang.String |
NetworkModule.gethostbyaddr(Env env,
java.lang.String ip)
Returns the IP address of the given host name.
static java.lang.String |
NetworkModule.getprotobynumber(int protoNumber)
Returns the protocol name associated with the given protocol number.
static java.lang.String |
NetworkModule.getservbyport(int port,
java.lang.String protocol)
Returns the service name associated it the given protocol name and
service port.
static ProcOpenResource |
MiscModule.proc_open(Env env,
java.lang.String command,
ArrayValue descriptorArray,
Value pipes,
Path pwd,
ArrayValue envArray,
ArrayValue options)
Basic implementation of proc_open.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static CurlResource |
CurlModule.curl_copy_handle(Env env,
CurlResource curl)
Returns a copy of this resource.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DateTime |
DateModule.date_timezone_set(Env env,
DateTime dateTime,
DateTimeZone dateTimeZone) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
LongValue |
OracleOciLob.erase(Env env,
long offset,
long length)
Erases a specified portion of the internal LOB data
StringValue |
MysqliStatement.geterror(Env env)
Quercus function to get the field 'error'.
JdbcResultResource |
Mysqli.list_dbs(Env env) |
java.lang.Object |
OracleOciLob.load(Env env)
Returns large object's contents
LongValue |
OracleOciCollection.max(Env env)
Returns the maximum number of elements in the collection
If the returned value is 0, then the number of elements
is not limited.
static Mysqli |
MysqliModule.mysqli_connect(Env env,
StringValue host,
StringValue userName,
StringValue password,
java.lang.String dbname,
int port,
StringValue socket)
Returns a new connection.
static JdbcResultResource |
MysqliModule.mysqli_get_metadata(Env env,
MysqliStatement stmt)
static MysqliStatement |
MysqliModule.mysqli_prepare(Env env,
Mysqli conn,
java.lang.String query)
Prepares a statement.
static JdbcResultResource |
MysqliModule.mysqli_stmt_result_metadata(Env env,
MysqliStatement stmt)
Returns result information for metadata
static JdbcResultResource |
MysqliModule.mysqli_store_result(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Transfers the result set from the last query on the
database connection represented by conn.
static JdbcResultResource |
MysqliModule.mysqli_use_result(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Initiate a result set retrieval.
static java.lang.String |
OracleModule.oci_error(Env env,
Value resource)
Returns the last error found
static LongValue |
OracleModule.oci_field_precision(Env env,
OracleStatement stmt,
int field)
Tell the precision of a field
static LongValue |
OracleModule.oci_field_scale(Env env,
OracleStatement stmt,
int field)
Tell the scale of the field
static OracleOciCollection |
OracleModule.oci_new_collection(Env env,
Oracle conn,
java.lang.String tdo,
java.lang.String schema)
Allocates new collection object
static OracleStatement |
OracleModule.oci_new_cursor(Env env,
Oracle conn)
Allocates and returns a new cursor (statement handle)
static OracleOciLob |
OracleModule.oci_new_descriptor(Env env,
Oracle conn,
int type)
Initializes a new empty LOB or FILE descriptor
static LongValue |
OracleModule.oci_num_rows(Env env,
OracleStatement stmt)
Returns number of rows affected during statement execution
Note: This function does not return number of rows selected!
For SELECT statements this function will return the number of rows,
that were fetched to the buffer with oci_fetchxxxx() functions.
static OracleStatement |
OracleModule.oci_parse(Env env,
Oracle conn,
java.lang.String query)
Prepares Oracle statement for execution
static java.lang.String |
OracleModule.oci_server_version(Env env,
Oracle conn)
Returns server version
static java.lang.String |
OracleModule.ocierror(Env env,
Value resource)
Alias of oci_error()
static OracleOciCollection |
OracleModule.ocinewcollection(Env env,
Oracle conn,
java.lang.String tdo,
java.lang.String schema)
Alias of oci_new_collection()
static OracleStatement |
OracleModule.ocinewcursor(Env env,
Oracle conn)
Alias of oci_new_cursor()
static OracleStatement |
OracleModule.ociparse(Env env,
Oracle conn,
java.lang.String query)
Alias of oci_parse()
static java.lang.String |
PostgresModule.pg_client_encoding(Env env,
Postgres conn)
Gets the client encoding
static Postgres |
PostgresModule.pg_connect(Env env,
java.lang.String connectionString,
int connectionType)
Open a PostgreSQL connection
static ArrayValue |
PostgresModule.pg_convert(Env env,
Postgres conn,
java.lang.String tableName,
ArrayValue assocArray,
int options)
Convert associative array values into suitable for SQL statement
static ArrayValue |
PostgresModule.pg_copy_to(Env env,
Postgres conn,
java.lang.String tableName,
java.lang.String delimiter,
java.lang.String nullAs)
Copy a table to an array
static java.lang.String |
PostgresModule.pg_dbname(Env env,
Postgres conn)
Get the database name
static StringValue |
PostgresModule.pg_errormessage(Env env,
Postgres conn)
pg_last_error() alias.
static StringValue |
PostgresModule.pg_escape_bytea(Env env,
Postgres conn,
StringValue data)
Escape a string for insertion into a bytea field.
static StringValue |
PostgresModule.pg_escape_bytea(Env env,
StringValue data)
Escape a string for insertion into a bytea field
static StringValue |
PostgresModule.pg_escape_string(Env env,
StringValue data)
Escape a string for insertion into a text field
static PostgresResult |
PostgresModule.pg_exec(Env env,
Postgres conn,
java.lang.String query)
pg_query() alias
static PostgresResult |
PostgresModule.pg_execute(Env env,
Postgres conn,
java.lang.String stmtName,
ArrayValue params)
Sends a request to execute a prepared statement with given parameters,
and waits for the result
static ArrayValue |
PostgresModule.pg_fetch_all_columns(Env env,
PostgresResult result,
LongValue column)
Fetches all rows in a particular result column as an array
static ArrayValue |
PostgresModule.pg_fetch_all(Env env,
PostgresResult result)
Fetches all rows from a result as an array
static LongValue |
PostgresModule.pg_field_is_null(Env env,
PostgresResult result,
Value row,
Value fieldNameOrNumber)
Test if a field is SQL NULL
static LongValue |
PostgresModule.pg_field_size(Env env,
PostgresResult result,
int fieldNumber)
Returns the internal storage size of the named field
static java.lang.String |
PostgresModule.pg_field_table(Env env,
PostgresResult result,
int fieldNumber,
boolean oidOnly)
Returns the name or oid of the tables field
static LongValue |
PostgresModule.pg_field_type_oid(Env env,
PostgresResult result,
int fieldNumber)
Returns the type ID (OID) for the corresponding field number
static StringValue |
PostgresModule.pg_field_type(Env env,
PostgresResult result,
int fieldNumber)
Returns the type name for the corresponding field number
static LongValue |
PostgresModule.pg_fieldisnull(Env env,
PostgresResult result,
Value row,
Value fieldNameOrNumber)
pg_field_is_null() alias.
static LongValue |
PostgresModule.pg_fieldsize(Env env,
PostgresResult result,
int fieldNumber)
pg_field_size() alias.
static StringValue |
PostgresModule.pg_fieldtype(Env env,
PostgresResult result,
int fieldNumber)
pg_field_type() alias.
static ArrayValue |
PostgresModule.pg_get_notify(Env env,
Postgres conn,
int resultType)
Gets SQL NOTIFY message
static PostgresResult |
PostgresModule.pg_get_result(Env env,
Postgres conn)
Get asynchronous query result
static java.lang.String |
PostgresModule.pg_getlastoid(Env env,
PostgresResult result) |
static java.lang.String |
PostgresModule.pg_host(Env env,
Postgres conn)
Returns the host name associated with the connection
static StringValue |
PostgresModule.pg_last_error(Env env,
Postgres conn)
Get the last error message string of a connection
static java.lang.String |
PostgresModule.pg_last_notice(Env env,
Postgres conn)
Returns the last notice message from PostgreSQL server
static java.lang.String |
PostgresModule.pg_last_oid(Env env,
PostgresResult result)
Returns the last row's OID
Note that:
- OID is a unique id.
static LongValue |
PostgresModule.pg_lo_create(Env env,
Postgres conn)
Create a large object
static LongValue |
PostgresModule.pg_lo_import(Env env,
Postgres conn,
Path path)
Import a large object from file
static java.lang.Object |
PostgresModule.pg_lo_open(Env env,
Postgres conn,
int oid,
java.lang.String mode)
Open a large object
static LongValue |
PostgresModule.pg_lo_read_all(Env env,
java.lang.Object largeObject)
Reads an entire large object and send straight to browser
static StringValue |
PostgresModule.pg_lo_read(Env env,
java.lang.Object largeObject,
int len)
Read a large object
static LongValue |
PostgresModule.pg_lo_write(Env env,
java.lang.Object largeObject,
java.lang.String data,
int len)
Write to a large object
static LongValue |
PostgresModule.pg_locreate(Env env,
Postgres conn)
pg_lo_create() alias
static LongValue |
PostgresModule.pg_loimport(Env env,
Postgres conn,
Path path)
pg_lo_import() alias.
static java.lang.Object |
PostgresModule.pg_loopen(Env env,
Postgres conn,
int oid,
java.lang.String mode)
pg_lo_open() alias.
static StringValue |
PostgresModule.pg_loread(Env env,
java.lang.Object largeObject,
int len)
pg_lo_read() alias.
static LongValue |
PostgresModule.pg_loreadall(Env env,
java.lang.Object largeObject)
pg_lo_read_all() alias.
static LongValue |
PostgresModule.pg_lowrite(Env env,
java.lang.Object largeObject,
java.lang.String data,
int len)
pg_lo_write() alias.
static ArrayValue |
PostgresModule.pg_meta_data(Env env,
Postgres conn,
java.lang.String tableName)
Get meta data for table
static Postgres |
PostgresModule.pg_pconnect(Env env,
java.lang.String connectionString,
int connectType)
Open a persistent PostgreSQL connection
static StringValue |
PostgresModule.pg_port(Env env,
Postgres conn)
Return the port number associated with the connection
static PostgresStatement |
PostgresModule.pg_prepare(Env env,
Postgres conn,
java.lang.String stmtName,
java.lang.String query)
Submits a request to create a prepared statement with the given parameters,
and waits for completion
static PostgresResult |
PostgresModule.pg_query_params(Env env,
Postgres conn,
java.lang.String query,
ArrayValue params)
Submits a command to the server and waits for the result,
with the ability to pass parameters separately from the SQL command text
static PostgresResult |
PostgresModule.pg_query(Env env,
Postgres conn,
java.lang.String query)
Execute a query
static PostgresResult |
PostgresModule.pg_query(Env env,
java.lang.String query)
Execute a query
static java.lang.String |
PostgresModule.pg_result_error(Env env,
PostgresResult result)
Get error message associated with result
static ArrayValue |
PostgresModule.pg_select(Env env,
Postgres conn,
java.lang.String tableName,
ArrayValue assocArray,
int options)
Select records
static java.lang.String |
PostgresModule.pg_unescape_bytea(Env env,
java.lang.String data)
Unescape binary for bytea type
static ArrayValue |
PostgresModule.pg_version(Env env,
Postgres conn)
Returns an array with client, protocol and server version (when available)
java.lang.Object | env,
long length)
Reads part of the large object
MysqliResult |
MysqliStatement.result_metadata(Env env)
mysqli_stmt_result_metadata seems to be some initial
step towards getting metadata from a resultset created
by a SELECT run by a prepared statement.
LongValue |
OracleOciCollection.size(Env env)
Returns size of the collection
LongValue |
OracleOciLob.size(Env env)
Returns size of large object
JdbcResultResource |
Mysqli.store_result(Env env)
Transfers the result set from the last query on the
database connection represented by conn.
LongValue |
OracleOciLob.tell(Env env)
Returns current position of internal pointer of large object
JdbcResultResource |
Mysqli.use_result(Env env)
Transfers the result set from the last query on the
database connection represented by conn.
LongValue |
OracleOciLob.write(Env env,
java.lang.String data,
long length)
Writes data to the large object
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DOMDocumentType |
DOMImplementation.createDocumentType(Env env,
java.lang.String qualifiedName,
java.lang.String publicId,
java.lang.String systemId) |
StringValue |
DOMDocument.saveHTML(Env env) |
StringValue |
DOMDocument.saveXML(Env env,
DOMNode node,
Value options) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static StringValue |
FileModule.file_get_contents(Env env,
StringValue filename,
boolean useIncludePath,
Value context,
long offset,
long maxLen)
Parses the file, returning it as a string array.
static BinaryStream |
FileModule.fopen(Env env,
StringValue filename,
java.lang.String mode,
boolean useIncludePath,
Value contextV)
Opens a file.
static BinaryStream |
FileModule.popen(Env env,
java.lang.String command,
StringValue mode) |
static SocketInputOutput |
SocketModule.socket_create(Env env,
int domain,
int type,
int protocol) |
static SocketInputOutput |
StreamModule.stream_socket_client(Env env,
java.lang.String remoteSocket,
Value errorInt,
Value errorStr,
double timeout,
int flags,
StreamContextResource context)
Opens an Internet connection.
static java.lang.String |
FileModule.tempnam(Env env,
Path dir,
java.lang.String prefix)
Creates a temporary file.
static FileInputOutput |
FileModule.tmpfile(Env env)
Creates a temporary file.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static QuercusImage |
ImageModule.imagecreatefromjpeg(Env env,
Path filename)
Create a new image from file or URL
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static java.lang.String |
McryptModule.mcrypt_get_cipher_name(Env env,
java.lang.String cipher) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
java.lang.String |
ReflectionClass.getDocComment() |
java.lang.String |
ReflectionFunctionAbstract.getDocComment(Env env) |
java.lang.String |
ReflectionProperty.getDocComment(Env env) |
ReflectionClass |
ReflectionClass.getParentClass() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static LibXmlError |
XmlModule.libxml_get_last_error(Env env) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
StringValue |
QuercusZipEntry.zip_entry_read(Env env,
int length)
Reads and decompresses entry's compressed data.
StringValue |
ZipModule.zip_entry_read(Env env,
QuercusZipEntry entry,
int length)
Reads and decompresses entry's compressed data.
ZipDirectory |
ZipModule.zip_open(Env env,
StringValue filename)
Opens stream to read zip entries.
QuercusZipEntry |
ZipModule.zip_read(Env env,
ZipDirectory directory)
Reads an entry's metadata from the zip stream.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ArrayValue |
ZlibModule.gzfile(Env env,
StringValue fileName,
boolean useIncludePath) |
StringValue |
Zlib.gzgets(int length)
Gets a (uncompressed) string of up to 'length' bytes read
from the given file pointer.
StringValue |
Zlib.gzgetss(Env env,
int length,
StringValue allowedTags) |
static BinaryStream |
ZlibModule.gzopen(Env env,
StringValue fileName,
java.lang.String mode,
boolean useIncludePath) |