Interface | Description |
Connection |
Represents an application handle for the client.
ConnectionFactory |
Creates application connection objects.
ConnectionMetaData |
Represents metadata about the connection itself.
ConnectionSpec |
EIS-specific connection information.
IndexedRecord |
Represents an ordered collection of elements.
Interaction |
Statement-like connection with the underlying EIS record.
InteractionSpec |
Specification for an interaction.
LocalTransaction |
API to a local transaction.
MappedRecord |
Represents an mapped collection of elements.
MessageListener |
Represents an mapped collection of elements.
Record |
Represents input or output to the execute methods.
RecordFactory |
Factory to create records.
ResourceAdapterMetaData |
Returns meta-data for a resource adapter.
ResultSet |
Represents results from a connection.
ResultSetInfo |
Returns meta-data information about the result set.
Streamable |
Lets a record extract data from a record.
Exception | Description |
ResourceWarning |
Represents a warning.