Package | Description |
com.caucho.quercus.lib.db |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
mysqli object oriented API facade
returns true for is_resource()
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Mysqli |
MysqliModule.mysqli_connect(Env env,
StringValue host,
StringValue userName,
StringValue password,
java.lang.String dbname,
int port,
StringValue socket)
Returns a new connection.
static Mysqli |
MysqliModule.mysqli_init(Env env)
Creates a new mysqli object.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static int |
MysqlModule.mysql_affected_rows(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns the number of affected rows.
static boolean |
MysqlModule.mysql_change_user(Env env,
StringValue user,
StringValue pass,
StringValue database,
Mysqli conn)
Change the logged in user of the current active connection.
static StringValue |
MysqlModule.mysql_client_encoding(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns the client encoding
static boolean |
MysqlModule.mysql_close(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Closes a mysql connection.
static boolean |
MysqlModule.mysql_create_db(Env env,
StringValue name,
Mysqli conn)
Creates a database.
static Value |
MysqlModule.mysql_db_query(Env env,
java.lang.String databaseName,
StringValue query,
Mysqli conn)
Returns result set or false on error
static boolean |
MysqlModule.mysql_drop_db(Env env,
StringValue databaseName,
Mysqli conn)
Drops a database.
static boolean |
MysqlModule.mysql_dropdb(Env env,
StringValue databaseName,
Mysqli conn)
Deprecated alias for mysql_drop_db.
static int |
MysqlModule.mysql_errno(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns the error number of the most recent error
static StringValue |
MysqlModule.mysql_error(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns the most recent error.
static Value |
MysqlModule.mysql_get_charset(Env env,
Mysqli conn) |
static StringValue |
MysqlModule.mysql_get_host_info(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns a string describing the host.
static int |
MysqlModule.mysql_get_proto_info(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns an integer respresenting the MySQL protocol
static Value |
MysqlModule.mysql_get_server_info(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns the MySQL server version.
static Value |
MysqlModule.mysql_info(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Get information about the most recent query.
static Value |
MysqlModule.mysql_insert_id(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
returns ID generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the previous
INSERT query on success, 0 if the previous query does not generate
an AUTO_INCREMENT value, or FALSE if no MySQL connection was established
static Value |
MysqlModule.mysql_list_dbs(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns a result pointer containing the
databases available from the current mysql daemon.
static Value |
MysqlModule.mysql_list_fields(Env env,
java.lang.String database,
StringValue tableName,
Mysqli conn)
Retrieves information about the given table name.
static java.lang.Object |
MysqlModule.mysql_list_tables(Env env,
StringValue databaseName,
Mysqli conn)
Retrieves a list of table names from a MySQL database.
static Value |
MysqlModule.mysql_listfields(Env env,
java.lang.String databaseName,
StringValue tableName,
Mysqli conn)
Deprecated alias for mysql_list_fields
static boolean |
MysqlModule.mysql_ping(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Checks if the connection is still valid.
static Value |
MysqlModule.mysql_query(Env env,
StringValue sql,
Mysqli conn)
Executes a query and returns a result set.
static StringValue |
MysqlModule.mysql_real_escape_string(Env env,
Value val,
Mysqli conn)
Escapes special characters.
static boolean |
MysqlModule.mysql_select_db(Env env,
java.lang.String dbName,
Mysqli conn)
Selects the database
static boolean |
MysqlModule.mysql_set_charset(Env env,
StringValue charset,
Mysqli conn) |
static Value |
MysqlModule.mysql_stat(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns a string with the status of the connection
or NULL if error.
static Value |
MysqlModule.mysql_thread_id(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Query an identifier that corresponds to this specific
static java.lang.Object |
MysqlModule.mysql_unbuffered_query(Env env,
StringValue name,
Mysqli conn)
Queries the database.
static int |
MysqliModule.mysqli_affected_rows(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns the number of affected rows.
static boolean |
MysqliModule.mysqli_autocommit(Env env,
Mysqli conn,
boolean mode)
Turns auto-commit on or off.
static boolean |
MysqliModule.mysqli_change_user(Env env,
Mysqli mysqli,
java.lang.String user,
java.lang.String password,
java.lang.String db)
Changes the user and database.
static Value |
MysqliModule.mysqli_character_set_name(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns the client encoding.
static Value |
MysqliModule.mysqli_client_encoding(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
static boolean |
MysqliModule.mysqli_close(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Closes a connection.
static boolean |
MysqliModule.mysqli_commit(Mysqli conn)
Commits the current transaction for the supplied connection.
static Value |
MysqliModule.mysqli_errno(Mysqli conn)
Returns the error code for the most recent function call,
0 for no error.
static Value |
MysqliModule.mysqli_error(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns the most recent error.
static Value |
MysqliModule.mysqli_escape_string(Env env,
Mysqli conn,
StringValue unescapedString)
static int |
MysqliModule.mysqli_field_count(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns the number of columns for the most recent query.
static Value |
MysqliModule.mysqli_get_charset(Env env,
Mysqli conn) |
static Value |
MysqliModule.mysqli_get_host_info(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns a string describing the type of MySQL
connection in use.
static Value |
MysqliModule.mysqli_get_proto_info(Mysqli conn)
Return protocol number, for example 10.
static Value |
MysqliModule.mysqli_get_server_info(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns the MySQL server version.
static Value |
MysqliModule.mysqli_get_server_version(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns a number that represents the MySQL server version.
static Value |
MysqliModule.mysqli_info(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Get information about the most recent query.
static Value |
MysqliModule.mysqli_insert_id(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns ID generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the previous
INSERT query on success, 0 if the previous query does not generate
an AUTO_INCREMENT value, or FALSE if no MySQL connection was established
static boolean |
MysqliModule.mysqli_kill(Env env,
Mysqli conn,
int threadId)
Terminate a Mysql connection with the given thread id.
static boolean |
MysqliModule.mysqli_more_results(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Indicates if one or more result sets are available from
a previous call to mysqli_multi_query.
static boolean |
MysqliModule.mysqli_multi_query(Env env,
Mysqli conn,
StringValue query)
Executes one or multiple queires which are
concatenated by a semicolon.
static boolean |
MysqliModule.mysqli_next_result(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Prepares next result set from a previous call to
static boolean |
MysqliModule.mysqli_options(Env env,
Mysqli mysqli,
int option,
Value value)
Sets the options for a connection.
static boolean |
MysqliModule.mysqli_ping(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Checks if the connection is still valid
static MysqliStatement |
MysqliModule.mysqli_prepare(Env env,
Mysqli conn,
java.lang.String query)
Prepares a statement.
static Value |
MysqliModule.mysqli_query(Env env,
Mysqli conn,
StringValue sql,
int resultMode)
Executes a query and returns the result.
static boolean |
MysqliModule.mysqli_real_connect(Env env,
Mysqli mysqli,
StringValue host,
StringValue userName,
StringValue password,
StringValue dbname,
int port,
StringValue socket,
int flags)
Connects to the database.
static Value |
MysqliModule.mysqli_real_escape_string(Env env,
Mysqli conn,
StringValue unescapedString)
Escapes the following special character in unescapedString.
static boolean |
MysqliModule.mysqli_real_query(Env env,
Mysqli conn,
StringValue query)
Execute an single query against the database
whose result can then be retrieved
or stored using the mysqli_store_result()
or mysqli_use_result() functions.
static boolean |
MysqliModule.mysqli_rollback(Mysqli conn)
Rolls back the current transaction for the * connection.
static boolean |
MysqliModule.mysqli_select_db(Env env,
Mysqli conn,
java.lang.String dbName)
Select the database for a connection.
static boolean |
MysqliModule.mysqli_set_charset(Env env,
Mysqli conn,
StringValue charset) |
static boolean |
MysqliModule.mysqli_set_opt(Env env,
Mysqli mysqli,
int option,
Value value)
static Value |
MysqliModule.mysqli_sqlstate(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns an error string.
static Value |
MysqliModule.mysqli_stat(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns a string with the status of the connection
or FALSE if error.
static MysqliStatement |
MysqliModule.mysqli_stmt_init(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns a statement for use with
MysqliModule.mysqli_stmt_prepare(com.caucho.quercus.env.Env, com.caucho.quercus.lib.db.MysqliStatement, java.lang.String) |
static JdbcResultResource |
MysqliModule.mysqli_store_result(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Transfers the result set from the last query on the
database connection represented by conn.
static Value |
MysqliModule.mysqli_thread_id(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Query an identifier that corresponds to this specific
static JdbcResultResource |
MysqliModule.mysqli_use_result(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Initiate a result set retrieval.
static int |
MysqliModule.mysqli_warning_count(Env env,
Mysqli conn)
Returns the number of warnings from the last query
in the connection object.
Constructor and Description |
MysqliResult(java.sql.ResultSetMetaData metaData,
Mysqli conn)
Constructor for MysqliResult
MysqliResult(java.sql.Statement stmt,
java.sql.ResultSet rs,
Mysqli conn)
Constructor for MysqliResult