public class LongCacheValue extends LongValue
Constructor and Description |
LongCacheValue(long value,
LongValue next) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Value |
Returns the next integer
Value |
Post-decrement the following value.
Value |
Post-increment the following value.
Value |
Pre-increment the following value.
Value |
Pre-increment the following value.
Value |
Returns the previous integer
StringValue |
toStringValue(Env env)
Converts to a StringValue.
abs, add, add, appendTo, appendTo, appendTo, appendTo, cmp, create, create, eql, equals, generate, getType, getValueType, hashCode, increment, isDouble, isEmpty, isLong, isLongConvertible, isNumeric, isScalar, jsonEncode, neg, nextIndex, pos, print, serialize, sub, sub, toBoolean, toByteMarshalCost, toDouble, toDoubleMarshalCost, toIntegerMarshalCost, toJavaObject, toKey, toLong, toLongMarshalCost, toLongValue, toObject, toShortMarshalCost, toString, toStringBuilder, varDumpImpl, varExportImpl
append, bitAnd, bitOr, bitXor, call, call, call, call, call, call, call, callCopy, callMethod, callMethod, callMethod, callMethod, callMethod, callMethod, callMethod, callMethod, callMethod, callMethod, callMethod, callMethod, callMethod, callMethod, callMethodRef, callMethodRef, callMethodRef, callMethodRef, callMethodRef, callMethodRef, callMethodRef, callMethodRef, callMethodRef, callMethodRef, callMethodRef, callMethodRef, callMethodRef, callMethodRef, callRef, callRef, callRef, callRef, callRef, callRef, callRef, charValueAt, checkPrivate, checkProtected, clone, containsKey, copy, copy, copy, copyArrayItem, copyReturn, copySaveFunArg, copyStringBuilder, copyTree, current, div, div, end, eq, eqValue, findFunction, findQuercusClass, geq, get, get, getArg, getArgTail, getArray, getArray, getBaseIterator, getCallableName, getCalledClass, getClassName, getCount, getCountRecursive, getDirty, getField, getFieldArg, getFieldArgRef, getFieldArray, getFieldObject, getFieldVar, getHashCode, getIterator, getKeyArray, getKeyIterator, getObject, getObject, getObjectHash, getQuercusClass, getRef, getResourceType, getSize, getStaticFieldValue, getStaticFieldVar, getThisField, getThisFieldArg, getThisFieldArgRef, getThisFieldArray, getThisFieldObject, getThisFieldVar, getValueArray, getValueIterator, getVar, gt, hasCurrent, initField, initField, initField, initIncompleteField, isA, isA, isArray, isBinary, isBoolean, isCallable, isDefault, isDoubleConvertible, isEmpty, isFieldExists, isFieldInit, isNull, isNumberConvertible, isObject, isResource, isset, isset, issetField, issetThisField, isString, isUnicode, isVar, key, keyExists, length, leq, lshift, lt, mod, mul, mul, next, pop, postincr, preincr, prev, print, printDepth, printJavaChar, printJavaString, printR, printRImpl, put, put, put, putArray, putField, putField, putField, putObject, putThisField, putThisField, putThisFieldArray, putVar, remove, reset, rshift, serialize, set, setCharValueAt, setFieldInit, setJavaObject, setStaticFieldRef, shuffle, sub_rev, toArgRef, toArray, toArrayValue, toAutoArray, toAutoObject, toBigDecimal, toBigInteger, toBinaryValue, toBinaryValue, toBinaryValue, toBinaryValueMarshalCost, toBooleanMarshalCost, toByteArrayMarshalCost, toCallable, toChar, toCharArrayMarshalCost, toCharMarshalCost, toDebugString, toDouble, toDouble, toDouble, toDouble, toDoubleValue, toException, toFloatMarshalCost, toInputStream, toInt, toInternString, toJavaBoolean, toJavaByte, toJavaCalendar, toJavaCharacter, toJavaCollection, toJavaDate, toJavaDouble, toJavaEnum, toJavaFloat, toJavaInteger, toJavaList, toJavaLong, toJavaMap, toJavaObject, toJavaObjectMarshalCost, toJavaObjectNotNull, toJavaShort, toJavaString, toJavaURL, toLocalRef, toLocalThis, toLocalValue, toLocalValueReadOnly, toLocalVar, toLocalVarDeclAsRef, toLong, toLong, toLong, toLong, toObject, toRef, toRefValue, toString, toStringBuilder, toStringBuilder, toStringBuilder, toStringMarshalCost, toStringValue, toStringValueMarshalCost, toUnicode, toUnicodeValue, toUnicodeValue, toUnicodeValueMarshalCost, toValue, toVar, unsetArray, unsetField, unsetThisArray, unsetThisField, unsetThisPrivateField, valuesToArray, varDump, varExport
public LongCacheValue(long value, LongValue next)
public Value preincr()
public Value predecr()
public Value postincr()
public Value postdecr()
public StringValue toStringValue(Env env)
in class Value