Class | Description |
AbstractEnhancedType |
Represents an abstract enhanced type.
AmberArrayType |
The type of a property.
AmberBeanType |
Represents a stateful type:
embeddable, entity or mapped-superclass.
AmberType |
The type of a property.
BigDecimalType |
The type of a property.
BigIntegerType |
The type of a property.
BlobType |
The type of a property.
BooleanType |
The type of a property.
ByteArrayType |
The type of a property.
ByteType |
Represents a java.util.Byte type
CalendarType |
The type of a property.
CharacterArrayType |
The type of a property.
CharacterType |
The character type.
ClassType |
A property containing a class
ClobType |
The type of a property.
DoubleType |
Represents a java.util.Double type
ElementType |
Represents an element-map value
EmbeddableType |
Represents an embeddable type
EntityType |
Base for entity or mapped-superclass types.
EnumType |
The enum type.
FloatType |
Represents a java.util.Float type
GeneratorTableType |
A type which represents a table or a portion.
IntegerType |
Represents a java.util.Integer type
ListenerCallback |
A listener callback
ListenerType |
Represents a listener type: either a default listener
declared in orm.xml meta-data or an entity listener
specified in @EntityListeners entity annotation.
LongType |
Represents a java.util.Long type
MappedSuperclassType |
Represents a non-persistent class with abstract O/R mapping information.
ObjectType |
The type of a property.
Primitive |
Represents a primitive numeric type.
PrimitiveBooleanType |
The type of a property.
PrimitiveByteArrayType |
The type of a property.
PrimitiveByteType |
Represents a primitive Java byte type
PrimitiveCharArrayType |
The type of a property.
PrimitiveCharType |
The primitive char type.
PrimitiveDoubleType |
The primitive double type.
PrimitiveFloatType |
The primitive float type.
PrimitiveIntType |
The primitive int type.
PrimitiveLongType |
The primitive long type.
PrimitiveShortType |
The primitive short type.
PrimitiveType |
Represents a primitive numeric type.
ShortType |
Represents a java.util.Short type
SqlDateType |
The type of a property.
SqlTimestampType |
The type of a property.
SqlTimeType |
The type of a property.
StringType |
The type of a property.
SubEntityType |
Represents an application persistent bean type
SubListenerType |
Represents a listener type with a parent listener:
either a default listener declared in orm.xml meta-data or
an entity listener specified in @EntityListeners entity
TrueFalseType |
The type of a property.
TypeManager |
The manages the types known to the Amber instnce.
UtilDateType |
The type of a property.
YesNoType |
The type of a property.