Interface | Description |
AmberExpr |
Represents an Amber query expression
EntityPathExpr |
A path expression that returns an entity.
IdFieldExpr |
Bound identifier expression.
PathExpr |
Represents an amber mapping query expression
Class | Description |
AbstractAmberExpr |
Represents an Amber query expression
AbstractPathExpr |
Represents an amber mapping query expression
AllExpr |
Represents an ALL query expression
AmberColumnExpr |
Bound identifier expression.
AndExpr |
A conjunction.
AnyExpr |
Represents an ANY or SOME (synonymous) query expression
ArgExpr |
Parameter argument expression.
BetweenExpr |
Bound identifier expression.
BinaryExpr |
Bound identifier expression.
BooleanColumnExpr |
AmberColumn expression returning a boolean
CollectionIdExpr |
Bound identifier expression.
CollectionSchemaExpr |
Represents a collection from a from-item table.
DependentEntityOneToOneExpr |
Bound identifier expression.
ElementCollectionExpr |
Expression to a collection of rows
The relation is maintained by a link from the child objects
to the parent object.
ElementCollectionIdExpr |
Bound identifier expression.
ElementCollectionSchemaExpr |
Represents a collection from a from-item table.
EmbeddedExpr |
Embedded path expression
EmbeddedSchemaExpr |
Represents an embedded from a from-item table.
EmptyExpr |
Represents a member query expression
EnumExpr |
Enum expression for Amber.
EqualJoinExpr |
Links two tables by their key fields.
ExistsExpr |
Represents an exists query expression
FromIdSchemaExpr |
Represents from-item table.
IdExpr |
Bound identifier expression.
InExpr |
"in" expression
JoinExpr |
Links two tables.
KeyColumnExpr |
Bound identifier expression.
KeyManyToOneExpr |
Bound identifier expression.
KeyPropertyExpr |
Bound identifier expression.
LikeExpr |
Bound identifier expression.
LiteralExpr |
Literal expression for Amber.
LoadBasicExpr |
An embedded expression which should be loaded.
LoadEmbeddedExpr |
An embedded expression which should be loaded.
LoadEntityExpr |
An entity expression which should be loaded.
LoadExpr |
An embedded or entity expression which should be loaded.
ManyToOneExpr |
Link expression to a new table
ManyToOneJoinExpr |
Links two tables.
ManyToOneSchemaExpr |
Represents a collection from a from-item table.
MapFieldExpr |
Bound identifier expression.
MapManyToManyExpr |
map expression with many-to-many result
MemberExpr |
Represents a member query expression
NullExpr |
Null expression for Amber.
OneToManyExpr |
Expression to a collection of rows
The relation is maintained by a link from the child objects
to the parent object.
OneToManyJoinExpr |
Joins two tables as "a.children".
OneToManySchemaExpr |
Represents a collection from a from-item table.
OneToOneSchemaExpr |
Represents an association from a from-item table.
OrExpr |
A disjunction.
SchemaExpr |
Represents from-item table.
SubSelectExpr |
Represents a subselect mapping query expression
TableIdExpr |
Represents from-item table.
UnaryExpr |
Unary expression.